Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Christmas One and All

Here's wishing y'all a very Happy Christmas, and hoping it's free of disasters, family quarrels and Marley's Ghost.

I will be disappearing from the internet for a bit to spend time in the bosom of my family as it were, but mainly to ogle at David Tennant tomorrow night.

Thanks to all who've come by this blog this year - those who comment and those who don't - and especial thanks to all you lovely people who've come and bought copies of my book.

The good news from my editor pre Christmas was a) very good sales b) she liked book 2 (phew!) c) she liked the idea I've had for book 3. (double phew!).

I think after nine years of trying I can finally call myself an author....


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say my wife read your book in three consecutive evenings and thoroughly enjoyed it. Congratulations on establishing yourself as an author!

Regarding David Tennant though ... it's a shame that he has a tendancy to overact and it's a shame that the scripts have becoming increasingly fascile(?). Though I suspect that his eye candy factor weighs heavily against my niggles. Merry Xmas

Leigh Forbes said...

Finished Pastures New, and really enjoyed the story. It was rather odd, however, to read my own characters' names living different lives:
Jamie (my baddie - sorry)
Harry (my heroine's father, a whisky drinker!)
Ben (her brother)
One of my other blogging buddies is has a heroine called Rachel. Guess what my heroine's called...

Well done!
And congratulations for the fine sales. After nine years, you deserve it!!

Jane Henry said...

Welcome Marley - I tried to post before but it got lost in the ether... Anyway thanks for stopping by and tell your wife she is wonderful!!!

Sorry have to disgree about DT. He is one of my many heroes and I loved the Christmas episode, but suspect you didn't...

Leigh, thanks so much also for your kind words. Glad you enjoyed the book.

That name thing is annoying isn't it. Just sent a synopsis to my agent/editor before Christmas and then read a copy of a friend's book which shares many identical features, and I HADN'T looked at it before I'd written mine. There is definitely a pool of creativity floating in the ether which we all tap into, I reckon!

Happy New Year one and all....